pirmdiena, 2009. gada 26. oktobris

The Travelling Doll

Hello from Āgenskalna State gymnasium!!

This is our first entry for project witch is going to continue all year round till fall 2010. It's called The Traveling Puppets.
Now, a short review of todays activities:
At about 12:45 representers from Smiltene ar
rived in AVG.
13:30 - delegation from Lithuania arrives and gets a ''walk around'' the school
14:00 - meeting starts, everybody presents their homework- a presentation about a specific topic
15:00 - work groups make a nice reminder
of this day, including this blog
16:00 - all of our visitors get a trip around Old Riga
So, this was a short report of events today. But that's only a very small part of what's going to happen next! Stay tuned!

Check out the pictures of today!